Wednesday, March 9, 2011

life goes on..

You ever feel that all eyes are on you and that everyone wants to know you? just because of your accomplishments? and how you feel like you did something right for once, and how you always feel like the whole world was against you at one point and now you feel loved at that point and given time? that’s how I feel most times. if you take a look back at one of my blogs, one of my accomplishment’s I said was winning my U.S. gold medal in Wisconsin. It wasn’t, just because I won it, it was because everyone appreciated me. When I looked up today, I looked at that medal, and random memories of that trip just started to pop in my head. I miss how everyone came up to me on the street and just thanked me in Wisconsin for a hell of a basketball game, and how "i deserved to win the gold medal in the first place". Just the attention I got down there was amazing. At home, i felt like no one around me gave me that, going to school, where there is barley anyone there and only having a few close friends, it was very satisfying getting that attention down there. Even the athletes across the world showed me respect and i appreciated that. just because of something I did, and it felt good. when i came back, it just went back to normal. The more and more I think about it as months have now passed. It’s still the same. I don’t really get anything for the things I’ve done. Or people act like they don’t acknowledge me at times. I try hard every day not only for them, but for myself. I feel like nothing is enough. but when I won that medal, everyone treated me like I was something, just for having gold around my neck. who knew one think could change everything, compared to a million things I feel is not satisfaction back home? don’t get me wrong I love my life as much as I can, but sometimes these sort of boundaries gets in the way of loving it. It makes me want to live what I had in Wisconsin every day. and that’s when people actually acknowledge my accomplishment’s.

sincerely yours...

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