Monday, February 7, 2011

Who are your real friends?

What does friends mean to you? To some they have become an illusion because of the way they act towards us. When were in school some of us die to be popular because we think that's the way to go. But that's not the way to go. I use to be popular, and half the friends I use to be cool with don't even talk to me anymore or just thought of me as a friend "at that moment”. A true friend to me is someone who is always there for you no matter what, sort of like a marriage affair, even the sicker or poorer things apply in a friendship because regardless you always have to be there for your true friends. I’ve lost a lot of friends in life, some I don't care to lose, some weren’t real, and some that I lost hurt a lot. Even till this day some of my friends I’m currently cool with are really friends or if they could backstab me at any minute. You never know who your friends are sometimes, those who stick close to, talk to everyday, and can tell anything without the sarcastic remarks, those are true friends. When I was in the hospital for 6 months it made me think about who my friends really were, none of my real friends visited me. While I was going through hell I'd think that they would come see me. The only one that came to see was my best friend mike, other than that no one did. It made the pain of the meds, stiches, biopsies even painful knowing my friends weren’t there through the worst time. Even when I was in a coma and my mother told everyone, no one it makes me wonder sometimes what do friends really mean? I'm not as bitter about it anymore and don't get me wrong, I had a lot of support coming home overflowing messages from people wondering if I was ok. But those were just an illusion because where are some of them now? All I know is that I have the friends that were there for me the whole time even if they couldn't see me, I don't need the popularity to get friends because those friends are temporary, the friends that have been around and care about me and my life are real, and that's all I need. So ask yourself who's your real friends?

Sincerely yours 

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